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Message of Director General

Dear Citizens

“Safe and healthy food is an inherent right of every individual. It is disheartening to see that food adulteration mafia jeopardizing lives and the well-being of our citizens in their relentless pursuit of material gains.

As Director General of Balochistan Food Authority, I declare it my paramount mission to wage a relentless battle against adulteration, utilizing all available resources and maintaining a policy of absolute zero tolerance. Balochistan Food Authority is resolute in its commitment to eradicate the scourge of food adulteration.

Your cooperation is vital in creating a food landscape that is not only safe but also fosters health and well-being of the citizens and the people. 

Ateeq Ullah Khan (BSS)

Director General

Balochistan Food Authority

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can a consumer register their complaint?

A consumer can register or lodge their complaint or grievance by calling or message to our WhatsApp number +923334664507. Or complaint using website and official map.

What is the composition of a Food Safety Team?

The Food Safety Team is composed of a Team Deputy Director, Food Safety Officer, Food Safety Supervisor, and supporting staff

How long does the license procedure take?

Usually, two to three weeks

How to apply for a license or product registration?

You can apply for a license or product registration through the website, the BFA app, or the manual procedure.

Where can I find the Food Laws of the Balochistan Food Authority?

Please click on the link to access information regarding food laws Click here

How can I track my complaint?

You can track your complaint on the website by entering your complaint number, which will provide to you after registering your complaint.

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